I'm drunk again, and I'm not even going to edit this shit. so no one pay attention to my many errors, mmkay? So its about 4 am and I'm awake. yes I am getting sleepy and yes, i probably shouldn't have opened beer number. ,um... 1,2.3,4... OK, number 6, that's not bad, right?
I was reading something on that thought catalog that I thought was really neat. The title was figuring yourself out, or something like that, but it was just this guy talking about what he wasn't. and in describing what he wasn't, it painted a pretty good picture of what he was. that was my plan for a blog post tonight. but Mr. beer had other plans. seductive bastard.
Now, if i were to attempt such a thing, it would read; I could be sober. I could not drink large quantities of cheap beer. But that just isn't me.
Is that really something people want to read. No, Its not. Its boring, and not funny. You suck at writing blogs Leah. You should find a new hobby and quit publishing things on the Internet.
Why are the comma key and the period key so close together?
Cam's roommate decided to be less douchey, he might be moving out in late November, I refuse to get my hopes up again. This may just be a tease. BUUUttt a super nice friend of mine offered a room in her house, and it would only be like 200 a month, well less than that. But that is how much I was planning on paying my parents to inconvenience them for like a month or so. I really don't want to sleep in someones office. BUT I MIGHT JUST GET TO MOVE IN TO WHERE I WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!! all caps, me Gusta.
Interwebs, plus beer, plus beer, equals stupid blog posts.
I really want to be in someones band, someone take me under your wing and give me shit to sing, I have soul. I have clean vocals. I used to sing opera, be impressed by my metaphorical talent. Also, fuck spelling.
Just so everyone knows my level. I am tipsy after a single beer.. and I AM fighting through my sixth.
As terrified as I am of moving away from my comfort zone. I am also excited, I just really don't want my new boss to be a dick. I just want my whole job to move with me, I don't want to learn anything new and have to deal with some diva general manager. Is that so much to ask? I mean really, its a fucking hotel, its a cake job. I like meeting new people and I have a strange relationship with ass kissing? so what? you are just mad because I made you like me.
Note to self: if you are every going to compose a blog post whilst intoxicated, do it on word processor. It capitalizes shit for you.
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