To the one who held me when I was a baby, and called me his yella rose.
Merry Christmas, I miss you.
To the one who makes me angry, but still has stories to tell me.
Merry Christmas, I love you.
To the one who still takes care of me, cause I’m his baby girl.
Merry Christmas, I love you, and I reply to texts when you aren’t being annoying.
To the one I yell at far too often,
Man the fuck up, it’s Christmas!
To the one who hides when things get hard.
I love you, I look up to you, and honesty is the best policy hun. Also, you missed beer Santa, that was me tonight.
To the one I tried to build a life with, but the blocks were all wrong.
Merry Christmas, I want to shake you future wife’s hand and kiss the foreheads of your future children. They will be awesome. I’m sorry.
To the ones in a place closer, but still far away.
It’s the same state; I’ll try harder if you do. And please, if you don’t want to be in my life, don’t lead me on.
To the one who always comes through when I need her, and sometimes when I don’t.
I love you, I am so proud of you. You will rock Mexico’s face off. Merry Christmas.
To the one I fought with, and still have a stupid amount of respect for.
I love you, we were meant to be sisters. Don’t fight so hard, we love you; we are all stupid brats though.
To the one who used to be the biggest brat in the world.
Nice looks good on you, you are growing into an amazing woman. I love you, Merry Christmas.
To the one I drank with tonight.
Do not put the moves on your wife when I am in bed with you. It’s gross and unless you are going to make me another niece or nephew, I don’t need to know about it. Also, I love you. And I look up to you a lot.
To the one who married my monkey butt brother.
To the one who married my monkey butt brother.
Mad respect. You are a bad ass, you are also incredibly wise. So glad you are in my family, also glad you like me. I know I am hard to swallow. (raspberry) see what I did there?
To the one who learned more from me than I ever cared to teach.
You did good with me; I just didn’t like female authority. It was teenage angst. You are a wonderful person. Merry Christmas.
To the one who waited on me to move away before she ever got drunk.
It was probably for the best, we would’ve made out. I miss you, Merry Christmas.
To the ones that enriched my childhood.
Peer pressure is bad, we should drink again soon. I’ll try not to fall asleep on my face next time.
To the one who is learning about me.
I’m a brat, I’m irrational. But I’m funny and I will call you dude at the most unattractive times. Merry Christmas, we need to get smashed together. I’ll find a DD.
To the one who makes me sad and happy at the same time.
It’s not the same; I know that it never will be. You break my heart every time I see you. I love you, and I will be brave one day. I just hope I don’t wait too long. You have so many stories to tell me.
To the one that I can’t figure out, and I’m not sure if I want to.
I laugh to myself when I read your Facebook posts. You need to grow a pair and not be shady.
To the ones that read this every time I post.
You make me happy, if I could high five you I would. If you tell me in person that you read this, I will. Comment though. I like feedback. I will make this better if you tell me how. Merry Christmas.
To the ones that read this but don’t want to tell anyone.
I’m sorry, I would be ashamed too. Merry Christmas.
To the one(s) that read this and then judged me and talked about it with people I like to consider my friends.
You suck, and I hope you die in an AIDS fire.
To the one that lives, but I have yet to met, or to acknowledge, or realize.
I love you, and I want to spend every Christmas with you for the rest of my life. The rest starting after 24, I’m crazy and you wouldn’t love me right now.
Merry Christmas MOTHER FUCKERS!
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