Sunday, July 15, 2012

e chu ta!

The floor is lava, the floor is always lava. I wake up in the morning (afternoon) and I make the decision to swing my legs over the side of the bed and let my feet get set on fire.

                My back hurts. Its irrelevant what I actually did to it. But it hurts. Working on my feet for 9.5 hours didn’t help matters.

I finally finished the Star Wars trilogy, I had seen it in my childhood, but had no recollection of the films. I can name all 5 bounty hunters in order. However, I can’t spell that shit, so I’m going to share with you my word association in learning them. Danglars, P90X, Bobba Fett, Bosk, Forlorn, Zapatos. Also, Scrumptious Crum, Rafiki, and Max Reboom. Bacta Tank.

If you can kidnap me an Ewok, I will marry you/make you infinite sammiches.

Stupid things make me sad, like having nice conversations with old friends, fills me with all the sadness of how the friendship used to be.

Smells make me sad, cool summer nights and Parliament lights smell like last year.

“First the window, then its to the wall. Lil John, he always tells the truth.” Cue hyperventilating and overwhelming embarrassment. “Hello nervous system, how are you today?” “Oh, you are insane and want to make the world close in on me?” “Fuck you!” Seriously, I am insane, who laughs themselves into a baby panic attack? And who finds that endearing, or not really endearing, but tolerates it and fixes it? And is all sweet and affectionate, but then gives the shit? These are all wonderfully nice things that I have a really hard time swallowing. I’m used to people being shitty, I can understand that shit, I can justify it even, but affection? It makes me crazy. (Dear person this situation is talking about, stop freaking out. Its 5:30 in the morning and I am processing. Its my blog and I’ll do what I want!)

I had a hand in a conversation about the new Spiderman movie, two nerdy boys, two separate states. Two very different opinions, one on speaker phone, the other in bed on the other side of the door, in bed. Me? Oh, I’m on the shitter. You know, being adorable.

It is never ok to tell a stranger you aren’t wearing underwear. I just talked about something I did whilst pooping, that is more acceptable than telling a stranger I’m not wearing panties. I might have the least amount of class possible in a female, but I have never once told a stranger I wasn’t wearing panties.

I know I’m late to this whole party, but OMG! Jenna Marbles, total girl crush.

I really have no idea what it is like to have a normal sleep schedule anymore… No idea at all.

I’m tired, I am writing random thoughts instead of diving deeper into the world of Frank Castle. I know I won’t stop once I start. It starts stopping when it stops stopping. It stops stopping when it starts stopping. Can’t stop, won’t stop the beat. Beat it, beat it. No one wants to be defeated. Nobody knows what its like, to be the sad man. You’re my brown eyed girl. You look pretty in your fancy dress, but I detect unhappiness. Blue, oh so lonesome for you. Don’t stop believing.

1 comment:

  1. The floor is lava, the floor is always lava. I wake up in the morning (afternoon) and I make the decision to swing my legs over the side of the bed and let my feet get set on fire. - This is genius. Just thought you should know. Hey singer. You should write a song and post it yesterday.
